LTSI Universe Timeline

This is where I try to make sense of all this bullshit.


[player] engages in No Mercy and True Pacifist Route.

Flowey breaks the barrier at the end of True Pacifist Route.

During which, the hopes and dreams of all Underground inhabitants create a ‘perfect world’

Corruption and interference divide this world into Three layers.

Each world (A, B, and C) is a separate entity, and each has their own Hometown along with its residents.

The Passageway that connects the three worlds is used to consolidate and siphon off the Magic generated by the citizens of each world.

Protagonist Asriel is reared in their own world (A), one in which Asriel is the only surviving next-of-kin to the Dreemurr family lineage and is expected to take over the family business.

Protagonist Asriel begins having dreams of the Flowey past life and unknowingly uses Determination.

Kris (World C) flees from their living situation and escapes to another world (A).

Kris and Protagonist Asriel cross paths and Kris is taken into the Dreemurr family.

Both children have psychological issues and preexisting traumas, cannot get along well.

Kris takes their own life, Protagonist Asriel uses Determination to bring them back.

Things don’t work out well, compensation is demanded.

Kris and Protagonist Asriel set off to World B, where that world’s Asriel is sacrificed.

Protagonist Asriel is now the only copy of Asriel, takes over the Asriel role in World B.

The consequences of Asriel not knowing the full details of the family business start coming to fruition.

Asriel notices this world’s Burgerpants at school and takes an interest in him.

Burgerpants and Asriel become friends. They have a surprising amount in common.

Both have family issues and Burgerpants unwittingly helps Asriel through the trauma.

Another incident with Kris, Asriel loses Determination.

Asriel starts seeing Burgerpants in a new light, becomes a lot more protective of him.

This obsession eventually leads teen Asriel to realize that this could be a crush, and he starts to think about forming a relationship with Burgerpants.

But in those teenage years, Burgerpants develops different interests. The two stop playing childish games together, and the widening distance between them takes a toll on Asriel.

Asriel and Burgerpants remain good friends throughout Highschool. While Asriel does constantly drop hints that he’s into Burgerpants, his crush remains oblivious.

Asriel knows that he should go back to his own world but stubbornly stays in this one until he can get through to Burgerpants.

A certain disaster shakes up Hometown, seen as the Mark of the impending prophesied catastrophe to come.

Asriel heavily relied on the fixed schedule and social aspects of school to rope Burgerpants into doing things with him. Once they graduate, Asriel finds it a lot harder to get his friend to go places with him.

Asriel becomes increasingly frustrated with their situation the more time passes. The only feasible window he has to leave this world with a plausible excuse (college) is rapidly closing.


Asriel jumps at the first opportunity Burgerpants gives him and drives him out to a job interview.

Burgerpants keeps rejecting every suggestion for them to go off alone, which pisses Asriel off. He thinks that Burgerpants is using him and decides to use this opportunity to talk about leaving.

Asriel and Burgerpants are not on the same page whatsoever. Every attempt for the other to communicate goes horribly wrong.

This situation leads to Asriel getting so frustrated that he doubles down on taking Burgerpants with him that night and goes out to his truck to get intoxicated to help amp him up.

Tensions rise to a ridiculous degree. Many times, Asriel goes off on his own tangents, leaving Burgerpants befuddled.

Asriel confesses to Burgerpants and tries to hammer the point in, since that guy does not seem to understand what he means no matter what he says.

When Burgerpants goes to reject Asriel, the nerves get the best of him and Asriel vomits. This pushes Burgerpants back into caring-best-friend mode. During this time, Burgerpants thinks over the implications of starting a relationship and how it could be any different from what they have now.

Seeing that Burgerpants genuinely does care for him, Asriel decides to wait it out and see what happens next. He backs off, giving Burgerpants space.

Burgerpants notices the change in Asriel’s behavior and doesn’t like it. He makes a couple attempts for them to get closer, but they don’t go so well. In his frustration, he finally lands a job at Ice-E’s p”E”zza. This makes things vastly more difficult for Asriel to whisk his love away without consequence, since a job means Burgerpants now has an assigned role in Hometown.

Asriel, once again, decides to drag Kris into their plans. This time though, Kris readily agrees.

The trio go to an anime convention in the city. Kris splits off from the pair and has their own adventure with Berdly.

Burgerpants and Asriel get into a small tiff because of a miscommunication, and Burgerpants starts to open up about how bitter he is that Asriel is leaving. This gives Asriel ideas that Burgerpants might be open to a relationship, Burgerpants, in his confusion, vaguely agrees to this notion. Burgerpants doesn’t see the point of a relationship that will only last for the summer, but at least it’s an excuse to remain close with Asriel.

The pair come across a couple conflicts, but they don’t really begin to bond until Asriel joins in something that Burgerpants is interested in doing.

Burgerpants reminisces on how perfectly compatible they used to be as children and realizes this is something Asriel desires to go back to as well. Coming to this conclusion lifts a great weight of concern off Burgerpants’ shoulders. However, Asriel makes sure to slip in that he’s definitely interested in getting physical with him as well.

The pair meet back up with Kris. Kris is not happy that Asriel has aborted the plan and is now being obviously lovey-dovey with Burgerpants.

During the ride home, Kris gets fed up with their sticky sweet atmosphere and decides to sacrifice Burgerpants. However, a mere word from Asriel stops them. Kris gets even more aggravated at this development, which leads to certain events in their own story.

When parting ways, Asriel gives Burgerpants a kiss on the cheek. Burgerpants becomes overwhelmed and excited at the idea of starting a real relationship with Asriel. He begins to look forward to whatever happens next.

Asriel meets up with Burgerpants after work, making an agreement with Kris in order to do so without getting Toriel suspicious. Asriel “took up a job tutoring Berdly,” giving Kris a convenient excuse to get out the house unsupervised and go torment their own companion.

Asriel was nervous for their relationship to be discovered at first, but after seeing how into it Burgerpants was getting, he drops all pretense entirely. The two barely make any attempt to hide their blossoming love. Asriel even invites Burgerpants over to Asgore’s place every other weekend.

The pair quickly grows closer and closer. And their time together is quickly coming to a close, which further fuels the desperation they have for one another.

Towards the end of the summer, Burgerpants invites Asriel back to his apartment with the intention of getting more physical.

However, Burgerpants’ mother is there and dampens the mood, sending the pair away on a fetch quest.

Asriel takes this opportunity to try explaining the full story to Burgerpants. They’ve grown so much closer and this seems like the last real chance he has to reach out to him.

Burgerpants takes things in stride a lot better than he had the last time Asriel dropped a heavy discussion on him, but it’s still very stressful and Burgerpants longs to go back to their previous atmosphere.

Asriel sees the impact these issues are having on his partner and ultimately cannot bear to tell Burgerpants that he would have to kill him in order to take him to the other world (A).

When they get back to Burgerpants’ apartment and start getting hot and heavy, Asriel once again has a change of heart. Burgerpants is very distracted and open, creating the perfect opportunity for Asriel to harvest his soul.

Post - LTSI

Asriel harvests Burgerpants’ soul and makes a mad dash towards the passageway.

He is then blocked by the Guardian Angel of Hometown, Carolina.

Asriel is already overwhelmed and emotional by the time they engage in battle and is critically wounded.

Said wound caused damage to Asriel’s soul, and Kris takes matters into their own hands.

Because Kris stepped in, Asriel was able to escape. But this came at the cost of Kris’ scorn.

Asriel makes his way back to World A, where he is greeted by that Hometown’s stand-in Guardian Angel, Ember.

While Asriel initially sees her as an ally, Ember makes sure to let him know she is extremely upset to see him here and tries to force him back to World B.

In their confrontation, Ember winds up injuring Asriel, which makes her realize that he is already wounded and in poor condition.

She eventually lets him go and sends him off to see Asgore.

At Asgore’s place, Asriel learns a bit more about the events that happened in this Hometown while he was away. He vows to make amends with those he’s hurt and asks for Asgore to provide him with a private residence.

Asriel barely gets settled in before he runs off to find the host body for Burgerpants.

Alas, this world’s Pizzapants left Hometown as a child, which leads Asriel to go find him in the city.

Asriel has a brief interaction with this Pizzapants and his fondness for his own Burgerpants clouds his judgment. He kills Pizzapants and revives his Burgerpants in this body.

Such actions alert the Guardian of this city, and together with his disciple, they confront Asriel.

Asriel tries his best to defend Burgerpants and work things out, but he is ultimately killed.

Kris once again arrives on the scene, killing both the Guardian and his minion. They take the passed out Asriel and Burgerpants back to Asriel’s apartment.

Kris leaves a note addressed to Burgerpants explaining the details of what went on while he was out and assuring him that he was free to make his own choices on what to do next, regardless of Asriel’s intentions. This thoughtfulness makes Burgerpants start to really respect Kris.

Naturally, Burgerpants stays by the comatose Asriel’s side and takes care of him. But one day, he does venture out to see how his parents are doing. After it goes rather poorly, Burgerpants decides it is best to stay in the apartment where at least he knows Asriel would appreciate his company.

Asriel wakes up, apologizes to Burgerpants, and grants him a blessing. Things are not the same between them just yet, but they are both overjoyed that the other is ok.

The pair begin to bond again in their domestic life.

Asriel realizes that Burgerpants is staying cooped up with him in their apartment and attempts to get him to make some more friends.

Soon, they are back to being lovey-dovey and closer than ever. They consider themselves to be a family, and Burgerpants even makes a few attempts to get into the good graces of the Dreemurr family.

The eventful months are passing by rather quickly. Asriel and Burgerpants have finally figured things out. They no longer have the same issues communicating with each other and have worked out a lifestyle that allows each their own freedom as well as a designated bonding time. Life is truly blissful.

Except the clock that has been ticking down had a lot shorter of a fuse than anyone anticipated. All three worlds begin to merge, which means all copies of the same person will merge as well. This Burgerpants will merge with the remaining Pizzapants left in World B.

Asriel formulates a plan, but it’s way too late. The coalescence happens when he least expects it to.

During this time, Kris has been messing around in Darkworlds trying to create the perfect form to possess and has fallen victim to the parasitic Moss. They are now under its influence.

Kris attempts to re-divide the world into three and succeeds, but these worlds are not the same as A, B, and C. Instead, there are 3 identical copies of the merged world, and time only flows in whatever world Kris is currently in.

Asriel is distraught, having lost the love of his life, and still vows to protect Burgerpants though this merged Pizzapants is clearly not the same as his lover. That vessel had lost all memories of their times together. He is now a clean slate.

The summer that goes on forever. Both Kris and Asriel are dealing with their own personal hells. Once again, Asriel ‘goes off to college’ and refuses to come back to Hometown because it is too painful.

When school starts back up for Kris, they’re already in a pitiful state. They make one last attempt to contact Asriel but by then, they’ve lost most of their bodily autonomy. Asriel realizes something is wrong, but doesn’t make any movements yet.

Annnnnd, now it’s Toby Fox’s game. Your move, king. No matter what happens, I will find some way to make it Azzypants, you can bet your bottom dollar ;D